Dec 01, 2012

Paying Online research Panel and Surveys

B2b research panel and consumer research panel are two of the most important components of online market search. However, much of the success of these panels depends on the type and kinds of members that it possesses. We believe that it is the panel members and their genuine and authentic opinion that help shape the future market.

A B2B research panel is a group of business professionals and industry individuals who are working day-in and day-out with the product or service in question. Al these people are professionals who are agreed to participate in business related online surveys and market research campaigns. These panels are used to understand utility, use and attitudes of the market around technology and technology related products. B2b research panelists are comparative tough to recruit and maintain as they are the professionals and are always short of time. However, surpassing all complexities and difficulties OpinionBureau has come up with a robust and efficient online research platform that help retain and recruit these people in the panel. In our panel all these members are profiled according to various qualities and attributes like job function, title and designation of the individual, job role, and job function, his/her decision making capability and technology expenditure.

If you are among one of these individuals join OpinionBureau b2b research panel and we bet you will be contented. Not only in terms of monetary but you will also get ethical and moral satisfaction that you have contributed something for the betterment of the society and did something constructive.

Consumer research panel is comparatively easy to manage than b2b panels. Because here members are not that much sophisticated, knowledgeable and skilled. However there are many products like grocery items, food and beverages, cigarettes that doesn't require any special skills but these are the only people who are using it day in and day out and their opinion is valuable to companies that are manufacturing these products. To tap these consumers OpinionBureau has come up with a consumer research panel where people can voice their opinion about a particular product after registration. Registration is free of cost and we don’t charge any money for the participation rather we usually pay these members for their precious participation and involvement.

If you are interested in online surveys want to do some constructive work for the future and at the same time want to get benefitted then OpinionBureau is the place where you must come. We have a wide range of online marketing channels that are meant especially to capture your voice so that it reaches to the manufacturer and they work on the betterment of the product.

About OpinionBureau: OpinionBureau is an online online survey panel where panel members and individuals could voice their opinion about a particular product to shape the upcoming market.

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