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Mar 23, 2020
Declared as a pandemic by WHO, Coronavirus or COVID-19, has changed the face of the earth. We are witnessing a never-seen-before phenomenon and its repercussions are equally perplexing. A disease that has gripped more than 330,000 people claiming more than 14,000 lives has forced the governments to issue a complete lockdown. It has further pushed workplaces to switch to a 'Work From Home' mode to contain the spread of the virus.
Feb 18, 2020
As human beings, we turn to different kinds of entertainment to break free from our mundane life. We want to change our routine to have fun and amuse ourselves. We are desperately trying to distract our minds so that we unwind and enjoy the pleasures of life better. Entertainment, thus, is a constant source of succour for us, especially in times of stress.
Jan 07, 2020
A mobile wallet is no longer just a trending app in one’s phone. It is an absolute must-have that has replaced the cash in our leather wallets. It has challenged the age-old cash flow of the Indian economy with a modern-day digital payment methodology. –
Dec 01, 2012
Market research is one of the most important parts of a successful market research campaign and after the advent of internet and World Wide Web it has become even easier to have the real taste of the water. And the successful completion of a market research depends much on the opinion and feedback that panel members have shared. Keeping it in mind OpinionBureau came into existence and in a short period of time it has revolutionized the way online survey are done and panels work.