Search Keyword : Online Surveys

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Oct 08, 2021

Time for Some Smart Earnings

Did you know you can sign-up for online surveys to earn money? Oh, yes! If you go online and simply type something like: “Best Online Survey Site in India” you’ll be presented with a number of online poll providers in India.

Mar 23, 2020

Getting Down to Business, from Home.

Declared as a pandemic by WHO, Coronavirus or COVID-19, has changed the face of the earth. We are witnessing a never-seen-before phenomenon and its repercussions are equally perplexing. A disease that has gripped more than 330,000 people claiming more than 14,000 lives has forced the governments to issue a complete lockdown. It has further pushed workplaces to switch to a 'Work From Home' mode to contain the spread of the virus.

Feb 18, 2020

Entertainment is the spice of life

As human beings, we turn to different kinds of entertainment to break free from our mundane life. We want to change our routine to have fun and amuse ourselves. We are desperately trying to distract our minds so that we unwind and enjoy the pleasures of life better. Entertainment, thus, is a constant source of succour for us, especially in times of stress.

Jan 07, 2020

Mobile Wallets – Indian Economy 2.0

A mobile wallet is no longer just a trending app in one’s phone. It is an absolute must-have that has replaced the cash in our leather wallets. It has challenged the age-old cash flow of the Indian economy with a modern-day digital payment methodology. –

Dec 16, 2016

Take Part in Online Surveys and Bring About Change

In today’s day and time earning through smart work is more preferred than earning through hard work. The essential difference between the two is the amount of effort that you have to put in and what your earnings through that effort. Earning by doing something online is always easy and fun. You can just sit at home and do your work and earn easy bucks. What if we give you an opportunity to earn and not even work for it? Sounds a lot like a fairy tale but it is true.

Aug 03, 2016

Earn Your Pocket Money with Simple Online Surveys

As a teenager or a young adult we are always in need for easy cash. Easy cash is always fun but there aren’t many opportunities around. If we come to of an easy alternative to the hours of part time jobs that we have to do to earn that extra bit of pocket money, we would leap towards it.

Jun 14, 2016

Role Played by Online Surveys in Today’s Market

In a market where a major section of buyers are opting for online shopping, there has to be methods to check the market trends through the internet. The fast paced lives that most people have these days make it impossible for them to wait and fill out survey forms in person. On the other hand, since the entire market is oriented towards consumer’s interests and demands, it is imperative that there be a method by which organisations can find out about what their consumers want and what response existing products and services are generating. The system of Online Survey can be greatly rewarding for both consumers and sellers in this regard. Here are some of the benefits that can be generated by online surveys: